Week 13
Video stills: Janko (8), one of the kids who came to the studio. These images were taken while he watched his own work change using digital media. He started out drawing the traditional house-clouds-sun drawing, just like all the other kids. Then he had the courage to do something radically different and try a random drawing technique. He did with fabulous results. I scanned that into the computer and we then collaboratively altered the image. First I sat at the controls and he directed the creative process, after a while he was able to take control of the mouse himself. I doubt it if he will ever draw two blue clouds and a sun again.
15/1 Monday
All is well, bridge still standing.
This week I will let the images speak for themselves and refrain from talking about anything less important than the creative process of transformation you see below.
16/1 Tuesday
All is well, bridge still standing.
17/1 Wednesday
All is well, bridge still standing.
18/1 Thursday
All is well, bridge still standing.
19/1 Friday
All is well, bridge still standing.
20/1 Saturday
All is well, bridge still standing.
21/1 Sunday
All is well, bridge still standing.Intitial drawing made by Janko.
The experimental drawing made by Janko.
Digital experimentation.
Digital experimentation.
Digital experimentation.
Digital experimentation.
A detail of his mixed media work.
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