Week 17
Images this week: an interesting creative collaborative process with an added dimension.
Adrian did not know what he wanted to do in the studio today. A thought came to me (intuition), to suggest that we do a collaborative piece today (one that requires dealing issues of boundaries and respect). He did not have to think about it for one second and enthusiastically agreed. I suggested we take turns making a mark on the big paper and see what happens.Adrian’s turn.
12/2 Monday
All is well, bridge still standing.My turn. We are doing well. He loves it, telling me in English when it is my turn, no need for translation (he learned the words instantly). There is enough space for both of us to make marks, sometimes we respond to each other’s marks, sometimes we start a new separate mark. I am the first one to go over one of his marks (I am curious to see how he responds when I cross an invisible boundary, and break ‘rules’ that were not established. Till now we were polite and there was enough space). He does not like it, but likes the idea and begins to do the same (by example I gave him permission to explore the crossing of boundaries).
13/2 Tuesday
No observation, filming in The Netherlands.Then he takes over and wildly covers all previous marks. I mimic his action (confirming permission), to which he responds with a more energetic covering the page as quickly and intensely as he can for a long period of time. He displays a range of emotional expressions in the process.
14/2 Wednesday
No observation, in The Netherlands.There is no longer time to take turns. We jointly cover everything we did before (I am on his side and support him). He is very happy for me to help him.
15/2 Thursday
No observation, in The Netherlands.He is very cheeky, kind of respectfully challenging my 'authority'. He starts taping my mouth and later my eyes as well (silencing my authority by taking away the tools used to exercise authority). I let him as he does it with care; I feel it is an important part of the process that he is going through. He is laughing and loves having an advantage over me (must be quite empowering).
16/2 Friday
No observation, heading for Maastricht in The Netherlands.He covers his own eyes as well. We both know how to cheat and see a bit anyway and continue making marks. At times he barely gives me time to have a turn, I do the same taking cues for my behaviour from him. The process is going at a tremendous pace. (I mimic his energy, seldom do I need to focus him back to the page, when I do he accepts my cues readily).
17/2 Saturday
No observation, filming carnival in Maastricht, The Netherlands.After some time he frees both of us from our tape with care and we negotiate how to end the process. He is getting tired (no wonder, it was quite an intense session). Happily we jointly cover the last bits of the page. I know this was an important process of expression for him. A lot of energy was released. I am not interested in analysing what it was about. What counts is that it found a safe way to experiment and express his emotions. I was not concerned at any moment what the end result would look like; the process was the objective, not creating a 'master piece'. The process did not end here though. I took a digital photo and we continue working with the piece using digital tools. The interesting results will be published next week.
18/2 Sunday
No observation, filming and participating in the parade in Maastricht, The Netherlands.
-Carnival in Maastricht has officially begun today. I am filming some of the symbolic aspects of this festival, I may not be able to restrain myself and join in as well.
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