Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Week 1

23/10 Monday
All is well, bridge is still standing.
-arrived late afternoon at the Bridge Guard residence.

24/10 Tuesday
All is well, bridge still standing.
-Danube has beaches complete with shells (just like New Zealand).

25/10 Wednesday
All is well, bridge still standing.
-crossed bridge and back by bike, 4 stamps in passport.

Guards stop
Stamping twice
Cannot be trusted

Guards stop
Checking photos
Commuter faces

Guards stop
Holding on
Bridge is understood

26/10 Thursday
All is well, bridge still standing.
-indian summer still on 20-25c.

27/10 Friday
All is well, bridge still standing.
-where was I again, Slovakia or New Zealand?

28/10 Saturday
No observation, out of town.
-danced the csardas with locals in Budapest, that 'bridge' always works.

29/10 Sunday
All is well, bridge still standing.
-suspicious boat hiding on the bank in the bushes.

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