Saturday, November 11, 2006

Week 2

30/10/06 Monday
All is well, bridge still standing.
-first snow today.

31/10/06 Tuesday, Haloween
All is well, bridge still standing.
-locals bring flowers to the graveyard and light candles.

1/11/06 Wednesday, All Saints Day
All is well, bridge still standing
-Graveyard looks magic

2/11/06 Thursday
All is well, bridge still standing
-wonder if anything will happen while I am observing the bridge? Two filmmakers followed a fire crew for months and nothing ever happened..., till 9/11 that was, they caught the first plane hitting on film, the rest is history.

3/11/06 Friday
All is well, bridge still standing
-need to get out there and find a 'bridge' that will connect me with the locals.

4/11/06 Saturday
All is well, bridge still standing
-do as the Romans do, so went to the Green Pub, a very smokey joint.

5/11/06 Sunday
All is well, bridge still standing
-still coughing from last night,hmmm..., pub was not so green, will need to find a healthier 'bridge'.

1 comment:

Marcel Baaijens said...

I have deleted a spam comment, Marcel