Week 24
Images: Facilitation process with Martin(8).
26/3 Monday
Bridge still standing, will there be space for another bridge, one that connects the children from the orphanage and the town?The initial painting made by Martin. He rushed the process as he was keen to get on to the computer. Note the three blue clouds and one yellow sun along the top of the page. Most children drew the same symbols in exactly the same quantities. Which well-meaning but uninspiring teacher taught kids that clouds are blue, that there are always three of them in a drawing and that the sun is yellow and shines from the corner of the page?
Works like that are signs of conformity rather than creativity. With the right encouragement, a bit of challenging, and a safe environment for kids to experiment the following process can take place with a very different result that is individual and creative. It sends quite a different message to the kids at the same time; it is O.K. to think creatively and as an individual rather than follow a majority or superior (blindly).
27/3 Tuesday
Bridge still standing, will there be space for another bridge, one that connects the children from the orphanage and the town?First he just mucked about a bit, but then it was time to ask him to concentrate and make the most of this opportunity, and he did.
28/3 Wednesday
Bridge still standing, will there be space for another bridge, one that connects the children from the orphanage and the town?He wanted a new page and began drawing with intent.
29/3 Thursday
Bridge still standing, will there be space for another bridge, one that connects the children from the orphanage and the town?I showed him how to use elements of his initial painting, which he was keen to try out.
30/3 Friday
Bridge still standing, will there be space for another bridge, one that connects the children from the orphanage and the town?He got the hang of it quickly and was able to take control of the mouse and the process himself, changing colour, size, and position of elements of his work.
31/3 Saturday
Bridge still standing, will there be space for another bridge, one that connects the children from the orphanage and the town?He continued to develop and layer his work, something unimaginable an hour earlier while painting.
1/4 Sunday
Bridge still standing, will there be space for another bridge, one that connects the children from the orphanage and the town?The end result demonstrates his growth in one session. It also shows that kids like Martin are able to be creative and unique, if only adults can let them. Can a town like Sturovo handle creative individuals or does it only feel safe with conforming citizen?
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