Spring Cleaning
Click HERE to view the above publication.
I just finished the creation of a blog for outsider artist Yelena Barbalich from Wellington, New Zealand. I had the pleasure to work with Yelena for six years through Art Compass Studio-Gallery. I promised to create a portfolio blog for her. Together with publishing three other Art Compass publications online I have tied up all loose ends from my previous commitments in New Zealand. It was important to make these blogs public as testimonies to an amazing project I did for five years prior to becoming the Bridge Guard. I had to close the project due to lack of funding.Click HERE to view the above publication.
Today I met a person with intellectual disabilities who like many others in the world sit at home all day, doing little. I have discovered that some have amazing creative abilities that can enhance the life of many including their own.Click HERE to view the above publication.
Art is such a meaningful occupation of time for anyone, but specially for those who are deemed by society to be redundant. All the artists featured in these four publications have touched so many hearts and changed so many minds. Their work is enhancing the lives of those who bought their work. In the New Zealand project we also sold copyrights of art and designs used for graphic design, T-shirts, buildings, gift boxes, jewelry, wrapping paper, etc.
Click HERE to view the above publication.